Join The Lucille Abbey $12.95 Club!

The enclosed pieces (Grom Who and the week that was) serve as prelude and historical cues to my latest "project." This one just happens to be my most important.

By far. Please consider.

You all know the splendid little mural on the downtown Woolworth's Building at 818 State, so you all know my Grandmother. She's the little gal second from the left, proffering a dish of ice cream and wearing a stylish pink suit. She's 92, and by necessity she lives with us now. My life has changed gears dramatically. NO spare time. Thirty-percent cut in wages (I used to work 55 hours per week, but I'm now playing "night-nurse" from 5 PM to 8AM.) I'm learning many new things and giving many foot rubs, back scratches, hugs, and bouts of cackling giggles to the beloved hag.

We're having fun, dammitt.

On Friday, the 14th of January, I received a phone call from social services at Hamot Hospital, where my Grandmother has spent a few recent spans-of-days recovering from heart attacks and strokes. (She's okay for now. Weak and a bit unable, but okay.) The social services person informed me that my mother had called to tell them that my Grandmother was "too difficult for home care" and she wanted immediate assistance in placing her in a nursing home. Without mentioning this to us. Or toanyone else, as it turns out. Lucille's three local children (my mother; my aunt; my uncle) are all retired and fixed-incomed, and understandably stressed about meeting the expenses of a day-care worker to help out while my wife Sandy and I are at our jobs, and instead of working out some creative solutions (like the one you're reading) my mother decided, in a cold and horrible void, to bail out and have Lucille shipped to a nursing home.

This will not do, so I've put some brakes on it.

In brief:
  • Day-nurse costs $12.95 per hour, around $115.00 for an 8-5 day.
  • We have an average 22 days per billing period.
  • Social Security handles six.
  • 16 remain.
  • If I can find 45 pals to do The Lucille Abbey $12.95 Club, that's another five days.
  • Only 11 will remain.
  • These will be handled by a combination of Lucille's four children committing to the number of days they can each afford and playing day-nurse themselves for a day or two per month, plus any agency grants we may discover. If need be, I'll have Sandy take a few Saturdays here alone and I'll do a few full days of overtime to take up any slack.

Here's my need:
You agree to post $12.95 per month to my Aunt Nancy, who's acting as administrator, to cover one hour of in-home care. For how long? The mid-December heart attack should have killed her. We thought that the January 8th stroke had. She could die tonight. She could live another 3 years. ("She is a machine." —this line is my son's.)

What your membership buys you:
—The "Lucille" newsletter, sent out with the stunning irregularity of her bowel movements.
—A near life-size photo/membership card (a wallet-size portrait, as she's well under five-feet tall and shrinking fast)
—Visitation rights (includes complimentary coffee or tea.)
—Solace in the fact that you have helped defeat the demons of denial.

As you all know I get these brain-fires now and then—so you'll probably not be overly surprised by this one. Do what you can, if you can. I'm awaiting timely responses from whoever is able.

Bless you all for considering,

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