particle storm


How to Build a World-view;
an Epistemology;
Some Idea of
Where the Hell We Might Be.

Photo courtesy of Fermilab

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Order The Sam Rivers Sessionography

   For overseas shipping rates, email Rick Lopez:

   —Richard Scheinen, The New York Times

   “A dizzying, stunning achievement. ... A joyful, sometimes psychedelic experience.”
   —Mike Chamberlain, All About Jazz

   “A model of independent scholarship, ... A highly immersive experience.
   —NPR music critic Kevin Whitehead, Point of Departure

   “One of those rare works that are destined to become references.”
   —Pierre Crèpon, WeJazz Magazine

   “A formidable document. ... Clearly sets the standard for any future work in this format.”
   —Robert Iannapollo, ARSC Journal

   “As comprehensive a portrait of Rivers as you could possibly imagine.”
   —John Sharpe, The New York City Jazz Record

   “A testament to Rivers’ enduring music and his invaluable role as incubator/advocate/on the bandstand educator.
   —Peter Margasak, The WIRE

   “[This] book is by no means a biography. It’s not a discography either, and it’s not a photo documentation.
   And yet somehow it is everything at the same time.
   —Wolfram Knauer, Jazzinstitut Darmstadt (January 2023)

   “A Rosetta Stone of insight, and a ... worthy tribute to an overlooked giant of the music.”    —Taylor Ho Bynum
   “An incredible piece of work, ... really something else. Informative and entertaining.    —Barry Altschul
   “Absolutely mind-blowing! So great!”    —Mats Gustafsson
   “An essential resource, a trail map for a rare and beautiful landscape of sounds.”    —Larry Blumenfeld
   “A tremendous document. ... This book is powerful.”    —Jason Moran
   “Lopez’s Sam Rivers sessionography is state of the art.”    —Lewis Porter
   “Rick Lopez has done it again!”    —James Brandon Lewis

A Note from Your Mad Discographer, on The Deep Digging; The Incantations; The Inspirations; All These Words...

 I’ve been deeply involved in the arts since the mid-’70s, but I’ve never known how to monetize my talents. I’ve never had a hint
 of financial savvy; I am—like a clueless child—almost entirely dependent at the age of 69 on next week’s pay-check; and I am
 “unaffiliated” and on my own here. I also get constant feedback from people all over the world who’ve been telling me, lo these
 many decades, that the work I do is invaluable... And so I’m reaching out.
 There are expenses I constantly struggle to meet: website hosting, an Adobe account for the software that makes the website
 and book layouts possible, subscriptions to newspaper archives, and numerous other expenses. Then there are the absurd number
 of hours I feel compelled to spend gathering and organizing and formatting the information that I find.
 I receive a Social Security check that meets just about half of my living expenses, and I drive a tiny school bus part-time for
 a daycare center that barely covers the rest. So if you appreciate the work that I do and are willing and able to help a boy out
 with any amount, either one-time or monthly, I would be most grateful. —RL

 (And the scant book monies go toward the next publication, Ed Hazell’s Energy Center: A History of Studio RivBea 1972-1978.)

Music Research
The Personal

This Place will forever be under HEAVY construction. At present you will find here:

Sessionographies : : : Attempting a complete historical arc.

[Official releases, unissued sessions, Broadcast and Private recordings, and other media + all known play-dates.]


Marilyn Crispell

(Latest Update Jan 29, 2024)

Mary Halvorson

(Latest Update Feb 12, 2025)

Marco Eneidi

Memorial / Homage

(Latest Update Jun 3, 2024)


The Complete Studio RivBea

Village Voice Ads (1972 to 1978)

The Trio

A Memoir / Travelogue

Columbia University,
May 25th, 2007.

William Parker

(Latest Update Apr 29, 2023;
Major Rebuild coming—2024/25, maybe?)

A.R. Penck LP Discography

A William Parker

Glenn Spearman

Memorial / Homage

(Latest Jun 3, 2024)
David S.!

David S. Ware

Memorial / Homage

(Latest Update Jun 2, 2024)

“I want to point out the wonderful discographies that Rick Lopez has produced. ... Treasure troves of information,
some of the finest scholarship available on the internet today.”
 —Tom Hull / Village Voice

“A sessionography is the most comprehensive listing of all, trying to document all known sessions, recorded or not,
of the artist. Rick Lopez has the most exciting examples of sessionographies that I’m aware of currently on the Web.”

 —Joe Moudry / Saturn Web

The Marilyn Crispell Sessionography was excerpted and linked on Evan Parker’s High Tide, a multimedia adaptation
of BBC Radio 3’s “Jazz on 3” released on CD-ROM by BBC London and included with Issue #200 of The WIRE.

An essay concerning research involved in the Sam Rivers Sessionography was published in a book about one of the premier
jazz venues in Europe, BimHUIS 25: Stories of Twenty-Five Years..., edited by Kevin Whitehead.

The discographies and sessionographies have been referenced in the revised edition of the Grove Dictionary of Jazz.

Links, notations, mentions, and references to these documents have appeared on recently released recordings and in print
articles in The WIRE (UK), Coda (Canada), Signal to Noise, and many other publications.

The Personal

The Rick Lopez Eventography [May 3, 1953 to NearPresent]

A relatively complete listing of my involvement in the arts.
Music — Theatre — Prose — Publishing — Performance — Productions

The C.V.

::: photo by art becker :::


Higherglyphics [An abandoned Work, 2013]

Text for Three Sections of The Erie Art Museum Annex Stairwell Project by Todd Scalise


The 51-Volume Collected Works of Frank Novel [2006]

Six Credits for One five-page English Comp. paper at University-Mart. February 2006

::: photo by fred scutron, cropped :::

LUCILLE, A Reverential Journal of the Care of the Beloved Hag [1999-2001]

An over-the-edge accounting of my life while my Grandmother was here dying with us.

index Baseball & the 10,000 Things [1994-95]

Hardly about baseball at all. Mostly a state-of-mind document, of which it has been said:

“Superb.”   “Eclectic and brilliant.”   “A deconstructionist wet dream.”
“Just the coolest goddamn thing I’ve seen in a long, long time.”

Samuel Beckett Eulogy [1990]

Aaahhh... Sammy. He lives on in all the corners of my head.


A brief tragedy in an indeterminate number of acts. A true story. You may as well read it.

The C.V. bit. [2000]

An Interview [2000]

+ The Game of Twenty-and-Then-Some-Questions

Time Stops photos, Art Becker / text, Rick Lopez [1998]

“Snaps the game to life in a grand, visceral, sense-evoking way.”
A horsehide and lumber symphony of prose dedicated to the beauty of the game.”
“Readers [will] recall its poetry, punch, and photos long after they put it down.”

The Art of the Baseball Card [1994]

A snappy little illustrated essay written for an Erie Art Museum exhibit in the Summer 1994.


HARD BOIL [1985]
“As real as a blood-drained face and a drop of blood trickling down the ear.”
“Short zappy bits of prose that leave lingering nightmares.”
The megaviolence part of the show.
Not for the faint of heart.

Main page update August 19, 2023 / Various individual documents updated almost daily.

Rick Lopez